abatement costs in a sentence
- These cheap abatements can have net abatement costs down to essentially zero.
- Abatement cost is the cost of reducing environmental negatives such as pollution.
- The marginal abatement costs of the various measures will differ by country, by sector, and over time.
- The most cost-effective strategy depends on the polluter's marginal abatement cost and the market price of permits.
- Policy makers can compare the marginal abatement costs of different methods to assess the cost and amount of possible abatement over time.
- It's difficult to find abatement costs in a sentence.
- A common global carbon tax would result in an uneven burden of abatement costs across the world and would change with time.
- In USA, it is called Carbon Neutral SNG . The typical marginal abatement cost of carbon for LCG making is around 40 to 50p / tonne supercritical CO2.
- For instance, in Croatia in 2001, proper pollution abatement cost US $ 70 100 per ton of raw hides processed against $ 43 / t for irresponsible behavior.
- The typical assumption is that marginal abatement costs increase linearly, so the standard assumption is that the average cost of abatement will be half the marginal cost, or $ 15 / tonne.
- Although marginal abatement costs can be negative, such as when the low carbon option is cheaper than the business-as-usual option, MACs often rise steeply as more pollution is reduced.
- Acknowledged as a big player in the Gallium Nitrude community, he has advised the United States President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology on energy efficiency and better use of marginal abatement cost curves.
- The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy produced several marginal abatement cost curves for Germany ( also called Cost Potential Curves ), depending on the perspective ( end-user, utilities, society ).
- Since abatement costs vary widely from country to country, joint implementation can substantially lower the global costs of attaining emissions reductions, just as international trade lowers production costs by " sourcing " production where costs are cheapest.
- Outputs of the model include total GHG emissions, per capita GHG emissions, reductions by type, energy use by type, vehicle kilometres travelled, mode share, $ savings from energy, $ of investment, jobs created and marginal abatement cost.
- Its total revenue is the area of the graph ( R Req 1 2 R * ), its total abatement cost is area ( R Req 3 2 R * ), and so its net benefit from selling emission permits is the area ( ? 1-2-3 ) i . e . Gains from Trade
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